How many alloy types does magnesium alloy contain? What kind of processing advantages does it have?

How many alloy types does magnesium alloy contain? What kind of processing advantages does it have?

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Magnesium alloys have excellent electromagnetic shielding properties. Modern electronic products generally require a housing with excellent electromagnetic shielding properties to isolate various electromagnetic interference outside the machine, and magnesium alloy can accomplish this task well. If you are considering using magnesium alloy as a material for manufacturing parts, you may want to know the specific classification of magnesium alloy and its processing advantages, let us answer for you!

Classification of Magnesium Alloys

Magnesium alloy is an alloy formed by adding some other elements to magnesium alloy. The alloy elements added to magnesium alloy mainly include A1, Z, Mn, Si, x, Ca, i and some rare earth elements. Generally speaking, the classification of magnesium alloys is based on the following three types: alloy chemical composition, forming process and whether it contains zirconium.

Alloy chemical composition

According to the number of alloying components, it can be divided into binary, ternary and multi-element alloy systems
Common magnesium alloy systems generally contain more than one alloying element. But in practice, in order to simplify and highlight the role of the main alloying elements in the alloy, magnesium alloys can be divided into alloy series such as MgMn, MgAI, Mg-RE, Mg-Th, Mg-i and Mg-Ag.

Forming process

According to the forming process, magnesium alloys can be divided into two categories, namely wrought magnesium alloys and cast magnesium alloys.

Deformed magnesium alloys refer to magnesium alloys that can be processed by plastic forming methods such as extrusion, rolling, forging and stamping. Cast magnesium alloys refer to magnesium alloys that are suitable for the preparation and production of castings for direct use by means of casting. Wrought magnesium alloys and cast magnesium alloys are quite different in composition, microstructure and properties. At present, cast magnesium alloys are more widely used than deformed magnesium alloys, but compared with casting processes, the microstructure of magnesium alloys after thermal deformation is refined, casting defects are eliminated, and the comprehensive mechanical properties of products are greatly improved. It has higher strength, better ductility and more diverse mechanical properties. Therefore, wrought magnesium alloys have greater application prospects.

Whether it contains zirconium

According to whether the alloy contains zirconium, magnesium alloys can be divided into two categories: zirconium-containing and zirconium-free.
The most common zirconium-containing magnesium alloy series are: Mg-/N-/r, Mg-REZr, Mg-Thzx, Mg-Agr series. Zirconium-free magnesium alloys are: MgZn, MgMn and Mg-Al series. At present, the most widely used is the zirconium-free die-casting magnesium alloy Mg-AI series. Both zirconium-containing and zirconium-free magnesium alloys contain both wrought magnesium alloys and cast magnesium alloys. The main function of drilling in magnesium alloy is to refine the grains of magnesium alloy.
Zirconium-containing magnesium alloy has excellent room temperature performance and high temperature performance. It is a pity that Zr cannot be used in all industrial alloys. For Mg-AI and MgMn alloys, since they form stable compounds with AI and Mn during smelting and sink into the bottom of the crucible, they cannot play the role of refining grains.

Processing advantages of magnesium alloy

At present, the global demand for magnesium alloys has an average annual growth rate of about 10%, and the growth rate of market demand for magnesium alloys in the West has reached more than 15%. In the future, the market demand for magnesium alloys will show a trend of rapid growth. Magnesium alloys are mainly used in the automotive, 3C, and aerospace fields, including the automotive industry (70%), 3C industry (20%), military and aerospace (10%).

  1. Magnesium alloy has low density but high strength and good rigidity. Among the existing engineering metals, the density of magnesium is the smallest, which is 1/5 of steel, 1/4 of zinc, and 2/3 of aluminum. Ordinary cast magnesium alloys have the same rigidity as cast aluminum alloys, so their specific strength is significantly higher than that of aluminum alloys.
  2. Magnesium alloy has good toughness and strong shock absorption.
  3. Magnesium alloy has low heat capacity, fast solidification speed and good die-casting performance.
  4. Magnesium alloy has excellent machinability.

Hope the above content is helpful to you.

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